Nana and Grandad came to stay this past weekend. We had a big time showing this Red Raider all that Aggieland has to know the really important things like Freebirds burritos and kolaches! Just kidding. We did take them to Lake Somerville which is about 30 miles west of here. It was nice, a bit rocky for my taste. Andrew loved it. He spent the majority of his time throwing rocks into the water. He thought that was great!
If Andrew was not throwing rocks, Josh was throwing him. For someone who is quite apprehensive with new things, Andrew took to the water with no problems. Josh on the other hand had some problems with his footwear. Since it was so rocky, you had to wear your flip-flops or you just could not bear to walk. With all the force of walking through the water, Josh not only broke his flip-flops, he also broke mine!!! (This story would have been a whole lot more funny if we still called them thongs like we did when I was a kid!).
Miss Ainsley on the other hand spent her first trip to the lake sunning herself in the shade! Rough life I tell you...look at those feet! :) Since Josh broke my shoes, I did about the same thing.
Look out A-Rod, Andrew has a new passion. If he is not swinging a golf club, he is swinging a baseball bat. His Poppop and Nana got him a tee and his first metal Louisville Slugger bat. Andrew is in love. As soon as Josh walks into the house from work, Andrew is asking if he can come play baseball. You know the kid is desperate if he asks me to come out and play. He is the batter and we are the "glovers" as Andrew calls know the one who stands out in the yard and catches the balls. :)
Over the weekend we learned Ainsley has a hidden talent. As you can see in the video, she is quite the rockin' little mama. She can get herself going pretty good on that ottoman. Let's hope the talent stops with ottomans and does not progress to electric bulls. We will just keep her away from Billy Bobs in Fort Worth for a while! :)
Ainsley is getting so big! I'm glad that you all are doing well and settling in, but WE MISS YOU! I am very glad that you started a blog, though, so we can keep up with you guys and what the kids are up to!
Hey! It's so good to find you in the blog world! And you are back in College Station now! Congrats on your beautiful children! That's a lot of exclamation points, but I am excited. What can I say? It's amazing how god worked in bringing you back to College Station. Hope that you enjoy the important stuff, especially Freebird's. ;)
Missing you four. Ainsley is looking older already! I am so glad you have the blog so we can watch them grow. We love you!
Hey Sam! I can't believe we get to be neighbors. I'm really looking forward to seeing yall. Your babies are so beautiful!! Please call when you get a chance.
It's so surprising that the PGA was the background noise in your video! :) We miss ya'll and envy all the trees and water and grass! Looks like ya'll are doing great, though.
Why am I not surprised that the Golf Channel is on in the background??????
Can't wait to meet the sweet thing next weekend!
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